More than 900 children in foster care in Winnebago County are currently waiting to be assigned a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). These children have been removed from their parents’ care and placed in new homes, with new rules, new sounds, and new smells. Some have had to change schools and make new friends, all the while waiting on a judge to decide their futures.
CASA volunteers get to know the children they serve. They learn their stories and their unique circumstances, and they advocate for these children’s best interests in court. Having a CASA by a child’s side can be the difference between despair and hope, and children who have a CASA spend less time in foster care.
Your donation today helps cover the cost of CASA advocacy for a child and helps us find that child a safe, loving, and permanent home.
Winnebago County CASA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your donation is tax-deductible.