Court Appointed Special Advocate, or CASA, is a trained community member appointed by a Juvenile Court judge to represent the best interests of a child who has experienced abuse or neglect and whose case is brought before the court. Winnebago County CASA empowers volunteer CASAs to speak up for children who don't have a voice — and to change a child's story.

Winnebago County CASA develops and maintains an effective, high quality CASA program to advocate for and represent children in the juvenile court system who have experienced abuse or neglect. 

Child and Volunteer

“The CASA volunteer becomes the constant in the child’s life, building a relationship with the child and or children. Through many hours spent with family, schools, medical providers, and of course the child, the CASA begins to formulate a picture of what is in ‘The Best Interest of the Child.’”

– Kathy and Lee Bach, CASA volunteers